- Explored: What are decimals all about??
- BrainPop
- Start decimals lab in class
- Do just the front side of the Modeling Decimals WS...write decimals AND fractions for each model (due tomorrow)
- Mrs. B ~ Discussed marks used for editing; You Be the Editor WS (due tomorrow)
- Mrs. W ~ Fixed worksheet 9-6
- Spelling Homework #8 (due Friday) Challenge Words: advised, deliveries, donate, organized, unfortunate
- Mrs. B ~ Read article about presidential candidates in the Scholastic news; Kinds of Questions WS (due tomorrow)
- Mrs. W ~ colored pages for the Election Lapbook
- We finished our poetry lapbooks and started our second unit on cultures
- Mrs. Bronkema is moving her "Tuesday Folders" to Monday Folders so that passing out papers does not interfere with our music time.