
Wednesday Update

  • Went over place value activity from yesterday & Monday
  • Played place value grid game
  • Naming Decimals WS (due tomorrow)
  • Mrs. B ~ Reviewed quotations; Pg 309 #1-10 (due tomorrow)
  • Mrs. W - Abbreviations worksheet 69/113
  • Pretest
Social Studies
  • Mrs. B ~ Started our election lapbooks; Discussed the two major US political parties
  • Mrs. G~  Still working on our election lapbooks; Used the scholastic news to discuss the political parties
  • Read our "Think Tank" information sheet as pairs and then dissected it as a class highlighting the most important information about the three main parts of our brain.  Students then continued working on their "Brain Book".
  • Students completed their culture posters and prepared what they would say when they present them tomorrow.