- Finished the reaction time experiment (journals pg 40-41)
- Defined and wrote examples in math dictionary for: mean, median, mode, minimum, maximum, range
- Mrs. W - Worksheet 2; Nouns
- Mrs. B ~ Introduction to plural/singular nouns
- Pkt 12 Pretest Wednesday, Final Test Friday, Packets Due Friday
- Challenge words: dispatched, downpour, heroic, locomotives, rescuers, rugged, schedules
- Mrs. W - Read pgs. 38-40 then complete organizer on pg. 18
- Mrs. B ~ Started working on map of cultural regions of North American Indians
- Read from Birchbark House
- Journal Writing " How does literature provide clues to a culture?"
- Began testing student fluency
- Mrs. B ~ Monday folders went home today...please sign & return; Book orders are due Thursday