- Lapbook assembly
- English Monster Contraction WS (Due tomorrow)
- Read 180: This week we are working on Workshop 8. Our comprehension skill is compare/contrast. On Wednesday, we will be in the library continuing our animal research.
- 1st hour group 1: make sure packet 18-20 are done
- 1st hour group 2: study links 8-2 and packet page 18
- Quiz
- Journal pages 11-13 (Line Plots)
- Hang Loose Harry WS (due tomorrow)
- Journal ?s...same as yesterday (due tomorrow)
- Notes
- Read 542-545 (in class)
- watched galaxy movie (3rd hour)
Social Studies
- Defs & sentences 7, 8 (due tomorrow)
- Boxes for Pennsylvania (due tomorrow)
- Tuesday Folders...due tomorrow
- Awesome job, band students!!!!!!