- Naughty List rough draft to Mrs. Wilson to Proofread
- Type final draft (due tomorrow if you have your rough draft back already)
- Typed acrostic poem and emailed it to Mrs. Wilson
- Study Links 3-6 (due tomorrow)
- Watched Maths Mansion-Triangle & BrainPop
- Take triangle notes
- Journal questions with partner (will continue tomorrow)
- Read in body book as a class: Excretory organs
Social Studies
- Worked on typing region essays (due Friday)
- Tomorrow is our party! Bring in gifts and snacks for party
- Thursday: Ugly sweater day
- Friday: PJ day; bring in Gorp ingredients
- Parent surveys--bring them in for a chance to win a Kindle Fire HD!!!!
- T.E.A.M. letters--need to be in ASAP
- Tuesday Folders signed & returned