- Read "Story of Snow"
- HW: 3.3 WS on Schoology (should be done already)
- Silent Read
- HW: Angles & Triangles WS (due tomorrow)
- HW: Study Guide (due Monday)
- Planning to have our geometry test next Tuesday
- Finish the bar graph from muscle experiment...made it fancy for parent night
Social Studies
- HW: Finish drawing & coloring objects for underwater activity (Due tomorrow)
- Started journal questions...will continue tomorrow
- Read 52-55
- Hope to see you tonight on parent night!! Doors open at 5:45 for the student work room. The first 200 to enter get a free lanyard. Everyone will get tickets for a raffle prize drawing! Entrance to the games are free!!!!
- Hoops for Heart...raise some money!
- Wacky Wednesday...is actually Funday Friday: BYO snacks & drinks & electronics