- HW: Everyone fixed Anasazi assignment and went over answers (should be done by the end of today)
- No spelling this week
- HW: SL 4-4 (due tomorrow)
- In class, work on journal pg 101, 104, 109 (will continue tomorrow)
- Read pg 406-409 in science book
- HW: Journal questions (should be done today)
- Vocab for velocity (should be done by tomorrow)
Social Studies
- HW: Explorer research notes (due Thursday)
- The entire project is due Friday, February 20th
- Oral presentation will be the following Monday
- NO SCHOOL on Friday and the following Monday
- Parent conference slips went home last week. Please return so we know who to expect :-)
- Homecoming is Friday
- Bring in supplies for Valentine's party which is Wednesday
- Hoops for Heart is Wednesday..wear shorts, gym shoes, and bring a water bottle!