- Worked on biography
- Popplet (due Thursday)
- No spelling this week
- HW: Lesson 2 WS (both sides due tomorrow)
- Check and turn in week 28 packet
- Worked on journal pg 130
- Check & fix journal pg 121-130
- none
- Turned in WS from Friday
Social Studies
- HW: Complete chart for Rhode Island & Massachusetts (due tomorrow)
- HW: Def & sentence for #1-6 (due tomorrow)
- Watched a video
- No School on Friday--that is the beginning of Spring Break!!!
- Money for Mutts--bring in that change
- Wednesday is T.E.A.M.
- All missing work needed to be in today since Friday was the end of the marking period. Report cards should be mailed this week.
- The Friday following spring break will be our reward field to the Kettenun Center. Student must pass all of their classes and not have had any behavioral referrals to be eligible for the trip.