- Read Tell Me the Old Old Story
- HW: Worked on Grammar flap books
- Did a Quizlet
- HW: Schoology 4.5 Punctuating Poetry (due tomorrow)
- HW: Schoology 4.5 Homophone (due tomorrow)
- Biography project is due in 4 weeksish
- HW: SL 5-1 (due tomorrow)
- Find fractions in the real world and put them on the Padlet
- Turned in Will, Bill, Phil packet
Social Studies
- Corrected test review...get it signed for extra credit
- Test is TOMORROW
- HW: Atlas WS 7/10 (due tomorrow)
- HW: Vocab #8-10 (due tomorrow)
- Money for Mutts.....Mrs. Bronkema's class in the lead!!!!!
- Hats for Cats tomorrow....bring in a donation and you may wear your hat during school :o)