- Did biography Popplet
- Set up iBooks on our laptops to use for biography report
- worked on missing work
- HW: read biography
- HW: Both sides of Lesson 1 WS (due tomorrow)
- Add to the fraction Padlet
- In class: worked on journal page 127 (as well as 120-126)
- Watch the Lesson 1 video
- Work on math notebooks
- HW: WS over pg 418/421 (due Thursday)
- Read 420-421 with groups
- definitions inertia
- Finished experiment--the questions on the back of the experiment page should be done
Social Studies
- HW: do pg 84-86 packet (due Thursday)
- Some people need to fix the Atlas WS
Go McBain Ramblers!
Bring in Money for Mutts