- Spelling Test
- Schoology: Fix 5.1 Appositives
- Printed WS about "Bringing...Home" and do the question on a separate sheet of paper...make sure the paragraph has at least 5 sentences
Today, we had a little life lesson. I was gone yesterday and had a substitute in my room. The substitute left many notes about how Mrs. Bronkema's and my class were extremely loud. She felt they needed to have DOJO points taken away. So, the kids, in the two classes, and I had lunch together. I had the students write me a letter about what happened. (Because it was a lunch detention, they each lost 5 points.) However, as the kids brought their letters to me, I read them and they all seemed to have the same information. 2 students from Mrs. Bronkema's class and 3 from mine were the true problems. Therefore, everyone but those 5 students, did receive their points back.
There were students in tears and I felt horrible, but the kids needed to know I expect them to be on their best behavior when a substitute is in the room! Monday begins a new week and I look forward to seeing all of them!
Mrs. Wilson
- Test
- no HW
- HW: Finish journal questions #1-8 (due Monday)
- HW: Vocab #1-7 (due Monday)
- Watched video of earth
Social Studies
- Chapter 8 preview....front side of packet (due Monday)