- Read "Global Warming" again
- HW: Everyone should go back through the Schoology assignment and fix it. Use the notes on Google drive to help fix it. (due tomorrow)
- HW: SL 8-2 (due tomorrow) The whole packet should then be complete!
- In class: Completed SL 7-10, checked last night's HW, practice subtracting mixed numbers
- Read pg 522-525
- HW: Do Def and sentences for "galaxy" (due tomorrow)
- HW: WS 522-525 (due at end of class tomorrow)
Social Studies
- Read 10-1 through 10-3
- Cause & Effect for 10.2 and 10.3 (did together in class)
- Also did definition on that page for proclamation (did in class)
- May 22: Fun to be fit at 1:00
- *****Fifth graders are now eligible to participate in the activity night which is tomorrow, Friday May 15! It is 3-5 in the gyms and multi-purpose rooms. Cost = $2, concession are available
- Monday, May 18 is a delayed start. Classes begin at 10:00