- Stations: 5.3 spelling practice Quizlet, StarReader test
- HW: Schoology 5.3 adjectives (due tomorrow)
- HW: Vocab paper WS (due tomorrow)
- HW: Spelling Packets (due Thursday)
- HW: Study Links 6-10 (due tomorrow)
- In class: worked on journal pg 201-202, compare last night's HW
- Solar crossword packet due today
Social Studies
- 8.8 WS from Note-Taking packet
- #12 from Dilemma packet should be done
- Read pg 108-111
- HW: do one side of the WS from Pg 110-111(due tomorrow)
- Fun to be Fit is next Friday....hope to see you there
- The Movie is tomorrow at 1:30
- Next Monday is delayed start