- In class: Write sentences about "I would rather..."
- Schoology 1.5 Weekly Assessment & 1.5 Selection Test & 1.5 Weekly Fragments & Run-on sentences (will continue tomorrow)
- HW: Break it Down WS (due tomorrow)
- In Class: worked in journals on volume, powers of ten, and measurement conversions (pages: 43, 50, 52)
- HW: Nervous system vocab slides (due tomorrow)
- Read pg 62-63
- Journal question 1 & 2 on pg 63 (due tomorrow)
Social Studies
- Went over the chapter review
- Chapter 2 test is Thursday
- Study!
- Boxtop
- Coins for Kids ends Thursday!
- Halloween party on Friday--details were sent home yesterday!
- Picture retakes are next week
- Next Monday, November 2 is teacher professional development = NO SCHOOL for students!