- Read "Boy who Draw Birds" with partner
- HW: Worksheet over the story (due tomorrow)
- 2.2 Plural Proofread- Schoology
- 2.2 Singular & Plural nouns- Schoology
- HW: Missing Digit Worksheet (due tomorrow)
- In class: Worked on journal page 76, 75, 72, 77, 78 ~ Division remainders
- In class: Discussion Board on Schoology
- HW: Respiratory system packet (due tomorrow) Use your interactive notebook
Social Studies
- HW: 16 Vocab slides (due Tuesday); Definition, 8 word sentences
- Some students did not have the Atlas WS finished :-(
- HW: 16 vocab words should be in interactive notebooks
- PEEWEE/MIDGET teams have their football banquet tonight at 6pm in the elementary cafeteria