- Marking period ends Friday!
- If you would like a chance to purchase a ticket for the PTO raffle, please contact your child's teacher. They are $20 a ticket or 3/$50.
Math (Brinks)
- We worked on: One Million Taps Assignment, J58 and J59
- Please finish: HL 2-9
Studies (Guernsey)
- We worked on: Completing our journal page over the Eastern Woodland Indians and some classes were finishing up their vocabulary for chapter 3.
- Please finish: Any missing work or any fix-it papers.
Reading (Wilson)
- We worked on: 1.2 Compound subj. & predicates, Spelling pg. 26 & 27, Genre ws.45
- Please finish: any missing work or station work from today
Science (Guernsey)
- We worked on: Identifying what makes up each sphere; biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere
- Please finish: Any missing work or fix-it papers.