- Homecoming is this weekend. Our singers have been practicing with Mrs. VanderVlucht this week! Good luck on Saturday.
- Tomorrow will be Green & Gold day to support our teams!
Math (Brinks)
- We worked on: Decimal Top-It (comparing decimals), J122
- Please finish: HL 4-4
Social Studies (Guernsey)
- We worked on: Completing our Columbian Exchange map
- Please finish: Missing work!
Reading (Wilson)
- We worked on: The last piece of our poetry lapbooks. Students were to design their covers and color the tabs on the poetry elements booklets. We then cut it out and assembled.
- Please finish: Be prepared for the NWEA reading test tomorrow! Please get a good night sleep and eat breakfast!
Science (Guernsey)
- We worked on: Nothing today!
- Please finish: Missing work!