
Monday, September 10, Assignments

  • worksheet 27 and 29; Fun Facts
  • Types of sentences
  • Weekly spelling tests are associated with each story in the reading series.  There are 20 spelling words per list and one of the associated story's vocabulary words will be used as a bonus word.  Each word is worth 5 points.  The bonus word only adds 5 points rather than subtracts points.  A pretest is given on Wednesdays or during the middle of the week.  A posttest is given on Fridays or at the end of the week.  Students who score a 100 or 105 on the pretest do not need to take the posttest.  Students are responsible for correcting any words they missed on the pretest, including the bonus word, 5 times each.  Corrections need to be stapled to the pretest and turned in the next day.  The goal of the pretest/posttest format is to allow students to improve their scores.  However, we will always keep the highest score achieved.  Please feel free to use these spelling lists throughout the school year.
  • This weeks challenge words:   alternating, anticipation, cemetery, darted, faith, retraced, scent, withdrew
Social Studies
  • Completing vocabulary and drawing items inside a map without coordinates present.
  • Discussed the difference between a globe & map.
  • Copied cell notes in class and assigned worksheet 141 - 141a
  • Read from Love that Dog; Created a figurative language flap-book and glued definitions of each word to flap.  Designed covers and labeled flaps.
  • Students with missing or failing work will not be allowed to participate with the "Fun Friday" rooms.  Encourage your child to complete assignments on time!