
Thursday Thrills

In an attempt to instill a solid work ethic within our students, we are implementing “Thursday Thrills” time,  which rewards students who consistently turn in their work on time and holds students accountable who are delinquent in turning in their work.  

“Thursday Thrills” is a period of time at the end of the day on Thursday in which students will be allowed to do a variety of special activities as a reward for completing their work.  Students who are missing work will get a missing work slip stapled in their agenda on Tuesday.  The missing work is to be completed and turned in on Wednesday morning.  If this takes place, the student will be allowed to participate in “Thursday Thrills”.

If the student does not complete their missing work and turn it in by Wednesday morning, they will be required to call home and inform you that they will not be participating in “Thrilling Thursday” this week.  During “Thrilling Thursday” students who are missing work will be given the opportunity to complete any assignments that are not done.  

We greatly appreciate your support.  Please sign the bottom of this form and return it to school so that we may include your child in our “Thrilling Thursday” activities.