- Stations:
- Read aloud Westlandia
- HW: Vocab WS 111 & 117 (be sure that it is finished)
- Snowflake craft
- HW: English WS 51 & 55 (be sure that it's finished)
- HW: Wrote fantasy story--Have parents proofread (due tomorrow)
- Many students need to finish/fix packet from last week
- HW: Reteach 7-5 (due tomorrow)
- Worked on journal pg 80
- Turned in fixed from Week 17
- Vocab flippers
- Turn in 30-36 packet bones
Social Studies
- Pretest
- HW: Compass & astrolabe Vocab squares in journal (due tomorrow)
- Read pg 47
- Band fundraiser due Friday
- Bring in raffle basket items
- Thursday and Friday--dismissed at noon
- Wacky Wednesday: BYO drinks
- Bring in parent night slips
- Next Monday is delayed start