- Stations
- Silent read Westlandia
- Silent Read Over the Top
- Read 113-114
- HW: Comprehension WS (due Friday)
- HW: English WS 57/56 (due Friday)
- HW: Write spelling words 5 times (due Friday)
- HW: Spelling packets due tomorrow (due tomorrow)
- HW: Sail Away WS (due tomorrow)
- HW: Rough draft polygon project
- Check vocab flippers
- Turn in WS 30/36
- Did experiment in class
- Started new vocab words: tendon, skeletal muscle
Social Studies
- none
- End of marking period is Friday!!! Get all missing work in!
- Band fundraisers due Friday....not accepted after 10AM on Monday
- Hoops for Heart will be in February
- Thursday and Friday this week are half days