- The weather is getting colder. Please make sure your child comes to school with the appropriate clothing to go outdoors. Thank you!
Math (Brinks)
- We worked on: Applying Powers of 10 (J45-47)
- Please finish: HL 2-3
Studies (Guernsey)
- We worked on: Filling in our journal page about the Native Americans of the Southwest Region.
- Please finish: Scholastic News: Invasion of the Jellyfish, it was due on Tuesday, October 2.
Reading (Wilson)
- We worked on: Station work! Cause & Effect WS, Spelling WS, and 1.1 Punctuating Sentences in Schoology
- Please finish:
Science (Guernsey)
- We worked on: Zebra Mussel group poster presentations and class discussion. We also read our new Science Spin: Extreme Earth
- Please finish: Any missing work or fix-its.