Math (Brinks)
- We worked on: Exponential Notation (J42-44, HL 2-2)
- Please finish: HL 2-2 (many finished in class; some opted to take it home)
Studies (Guernsey)
- We worked on: No new material today, October 3.
- Please finish: Scholastic News: Invasion of the Jellyfish, it was due on Tuesday, October 2. Also, any missing work. Check Power School if you are unsure.
Reading (Wilson)
- We worked on: Genre WS 26, Sp. pgs.12&13, 1.1 Punctuating sentences , Homograph WS
- Please finish: any missing work!!!
Science (Guernsey)
- We worked on: Presenting our Zebra Mussel Informational posters, will finish Thursday if needed.
- Please finish: Any missing work. Check Power School if you are unsure.