Mrs. B ~ Reviewed abbreviations; Pg 310 #1-20 (due tomorrow)
Mrs. W - Titles worksheet Lesson 8 # 70/115
Pretest Tomorrow
Social Studies
Mrs. B ~ Continued work on lap book...including qualifications of candidates running for office and the importance of voting.
Mrs. W - Continued with the Electoral Lap Book - How a bill becomes a Law
Read a chapter from Birchbark House
Divided into groups to begin research on the Sioux and Cherokee Tribes
Tomorrow is our Halloween party! Students may BRING costumes to school to put on at 1:45. Please remember to send in treats, if your child signed up to bring something!
Went over the two decimal assignments from this week to correct student misconceptions. REfixes are due Monday
Decimal Quiz on Monday
Mrs. W - pg. 296-297 Titles 13-30 odd problems only
Packet 8 Final test
Social Studies
Mrs. W -Election flap books
Mrs. B ~ Discussed the different beliefs of democrats and republicans...added to our Election Lap books
Read from Birchbark House
Wrote definitions, a senetence, and drew a picture to go along with a Native Am. Cultural word
Wrote letters to parents
Silent Read
Please take a few minutes out of your busy schedules to write back to your child in their reading journals. They enjoy reading these on Monday in class!
November 9 "Survivor", Parent Activity Night 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Went over place value activity from yesterday & Monday
Played place value grid game
Naming Decimals WS (due tomorrow)
Mrs. B ~ Reviewed quotations; Pg 309 #1-10 (due tomorrow)
Mrs. W - Abbreviations worksheet 69/113
Social Studies
Mrs. B ~ Started our election lapbooks; Discussed the two major US political parties
Mrs. G~ Still working on our election lapbooks; Used the scholastic news to discuss the political parties
Read our "Think Tank" information sheet as pairs and then dissected it as a class highlighting the most important information about the three main parts of our brain. Students then continued working on their "Brain Book".
Students completed their culture posters and prepared what they would say when they present them tomorrow.
Finished Base Ten block lab to explore the meaning of tenths and hundredths
Finish Modeling Decimals WS (due tomorrow)
Mrs. B ~ Introduced how to use quotation marks; practiced as a class
Mrs. W ~ Reviewed abbreviations, assigned pg. 310 1-25 allow. Please follow the directions on the page.
Pretest tomorrow
Social Studies
Mrs. B ~ Summarized Scholastic News articles; Finished back page (due tomorrow)
Mrs. W ~ Cut our 3 new items for our Election lapbook
Today we read another chapter from The Birchbark House. We discussed cultures and what each student felt the definition was. Then we broke into groups and worked on Culture Posters.
The Survivor "Parent Night Activity" has been changed to November 9, 2012.
Fixed mistakes on chapter 1 test...turned back in.
Mrs. B ~ Final Draft of Oh, Fall writing (due tomorrow)
Practice test
Worked on lapbook
Social Studies
Mrs. Guernsey's & Bronkema's Class- We will be having our test on Friday, October 19th. Your child should be bringing home a completed/corrected study guide. Please go over that with them and return it to school on Friday so they may earn some bonus points.
Students completed both parts of the Science MEAP test today! We will be taking a post-test tomorrow and then be moving onto our first unit.
Mrs. Guernsey's 5th Grade Class- due to such tight schedules we were unable to take our spelling pre-test today or get to passing back papers!! We will definitely take our spelling pre-test tomorrow and hopefully get to passing back papers. When the papers do arrive, please look for the green permission slip for our Capital trip. Anyone interested in ordering from the book orders I will be sending an order out on October 27th.
Mrs. B~ "Tuesday" folders went home today due to MEAP testing yesterday.
Mrs. Guernsey's class- I had thought that we would be taking our test over Chapter 2 on Thursday but, due to a schedule conflict, I feel that we will be better prepared on Friday. Please look for your child's study guide tomorrow, Wednesday, October 17th. Go over this with your child, sign it, and have it returned on the day of the test so they may receive 2 points extra credit towards their final test grade.
W - Our class will also be taking their test on Friday due to all of the other state testing this week.
MEAP prep - Eclipse worksheets and reading on the moon, sun, etc.
Today we added another piece to our Poetry Lapbooks. Students also created an acrostic poem using their names.
Survivor - November 2, 2012 (Our first parent involvement activity of the year)
Science MEAP test tomorrow...Free breakfast in the multi-use room!
Social Studies
Today we finished up our last bit of MEAP prep!! I think we are ready to tackle that test tomorrow. Students were given worksheets that went along with today's lesson but, due to time constraints, were not able to complete them. These can be turned in anytime between now and Friday. Please make sure your child receives enough rest and a good breakfast in preparation for taking their Science MEAP test tomorrow. There will also be a free breakfast at school for those who wish to take part.
This weeks challenge words are damage, ecology, hurricane, identify, mightiest, and predict
Social Studies
W - Due to late start we did not do Social Studies today.
Mrs. B ~ Silhouette should have been turned in completed today!
Students will be taking the Science MEAP test on Wednesday, October 17th. We have been working hard reviewing many of the concepts explored in 3rd and 4th grade. Please encourage your student to get a good night's rest and take advantage of the free breakfast on both Tuesday (math MEAP) AND Wednesday (Science MEAP).
We worked on cutting, assembling, and gluing the Poetry Elements flip square to our Poetry Lapbooks.
All you Survivor Fans! Join us November 2, 2012, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. for our first parent involvement night. We survived the first quarter so we felt it was only fitting to host a Survivor Night in the Middle School Gym and Multi-Use Room. There will be teams, challenges, food rewards, and prizes. There may even be a few hidden Immunity Idols!
Practice 4 Mixed Review worksheet (on exponents, subtraction, addition, multiplication)...due Monday
FUN Friday activities
Final spelling test
Social Studies
W - Read an Hopi origin story and began to illustate it with partners.
B ~ Read section 2-4; Completed summaries on Pg 10 & 11 of workbook using key terms.
2 Graph worksheet
Cross-text test questions
Read Chapter 11 & 12 from Frindle
Letter to Mrs. Wilson on acceptance
Many kids were unable to participate in this weeks activity due to missing work. Please help us to keep your child caught up! A survey went home a few weeks ago about parent teacher conferences. If you haven't filled one out please do so so we are able to get schedules out to you. Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. W - Chapter 2 Native Am. Vocabulary words. Write definition, draw and color picture that represent the vocab. word.
Finished study guide & went over answers. Drawing on back is due tomorrow. Test Wednesday
Read Chap. 6 from Frindle
Read Aloud for MEAP practice A Train to Somewhere
Complete story graphic organizer
Fundraiser money is due!
Many students returned with journals but no return letters. Please take a few minutes and write a message to your child so they have words of encouragement from you! Thank You!